Music is an abstract type of thing; as it is something that we hear instead of see it is often quite difficult to visualise a piece of music. Continue reading “Visualisation Of Music: From Paper to Digital”
If You Can’t Move Your Gear From Your Studio To Stage, You Might As Well Not Have Them!
Mobility, mobility, mobility!
“If you can’t move your gear from your studio to stage, you might as well not have them!” . The sounds and synths you create, at home or in studio are often a vital part to a musicians unique sound. If you can’t transport them to the stage however, what’s the point of having them at all? Only for online store/sharing ? Continue reading “If You Can’t Move Your Gear From Your Studio To Stage, You Might As Well Not Have Them!”
Guest Blog: 101SONIC: “to DAW or Not to DAW”
Like many Musicians I do my music production on DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), as the possibilities are infinite! I create my music with my guitar and arrange on a DAW (Mainly I use Propeller’s Reason). Once I have added the drum and bass, I can jam for hours with my guitar.
But this doesn’t mean I haven’t had problems with DAW’s. My main issue is that they are not made for live gig jamming. This has been an issue for me, like many musicians, I like to improvise on stage during a live performance. Often with a DAW you have to give this up, which makes me ask the question, “to DAW or Not to DAW”?
Continue reading “Guest Blog: 101SONIC: “to DAW or Not to DAW””
The 3 Most Awkward Music Moments of 2016
Some highlights of the Worst Disasters of 2016…..
History Of Using Sampler / Loopers On The Stage: From the 80’s to 2017

We first see samplers used in live performance as a secret piece of gear; like the (E-mu Emulator ) at Depeche Mode’s Gigs in the 80’s. Some mistakingly say Depeche Mode was using a Synth on stage. Well Yes, but the E-mu was also a sampler, a sampler of synth! Reproducing all songs Live on stage while performing, it’s difficult! If we have a short look into sampling history we can see why; Continue reading “History Of Using Sampler / Loopers On The Stage: From the 80’s to 2017”